Monthly Bulletin

Special Education Compliance Bulletin. December 2024. LRE compliance depends on the right calculation of time spent in general education activities. Automatic embedded calculators may not always be correct. Please use the below guidelines to calculate percent time accurately. 1. Percentage of Time in General Education: It is very important to accurately calculate the amount of time a student with a disability spends in general education. 2. Calculate Total School Minutes: Calculate the number of minutes of the school day from the time the 1st bell rings until the last bell for dismissal rings. 3. Deduct Special Education Minutes: Subtract the number of minutes a student receives special education services outside of the general education classroom. 4. Compute General Education Percentage: Divide the remaining number of minutes by the total number of school minutes for the day. That will give you the percentage of time the student is in general education. 5. Include Breaks as General Education: Remember that recess, lunch, passing time, and nutrition breaks are general education time. 6: Report General Education Percentage: Report the percentage of time in general education, NOT the percentage of time in special education. 7. Provide a Cheat-Sheet to Staff: Provide your special education teachers and service providers with a cheat-sheet so they will know how to calculate the percentage of time in general education. Connect with us! | +1 (310) 363-0349 | 215 N Marengo Ave, Ste 202. Pasadena, CA 91101